The Ad-Ventures of Addie in the City - Chapter 5 - The Return of the Queen
When something is really important to you, and that something gets taken away, what are your choices? Accept it, fight it, or figure a way around it.
When a faceless corporate policy left Addie on the outside looking in at our workplace, I knew that there was a solution. It took a little time, but everything was done "by the books", all company policies were adhered to, and everyone is happy. Especially me and Addie.
I would be remiss if I didn't say "Thank you" to some of the people in my company who agreed with me the whole time but had their hands tied by corporate doublespeak and legalese. They worked with me and we found an equitable solution. I won't name names here, but "they have our gratitude".
Bonus points if you can name the movie the last quote came from.