We're #1!
It took a few weeks, but Chicago is no longer playing second fiddle to New York. At least for one day, Chicago can proudly boast of the worst air quality IN THE WORLD! YEAH!!
With the Canadian wildfires still burning, this issue seems like it's going to be gift that keeps on giving for quite a while. How is it that every year we seem to be able to say "I've never seen anything like this!" for a different reason?
Emily, Ready To Leave
I was leaving work late and had yet to get my picture of the day, so I figured I would take a quick walk around the hood before I started home. I saw a motorcycle parked, and as I was crouching to take a picture with the sunset behind, Emily (the owner) came up to get on. I introduced myself and asked if I could take a couple of quick pictures. She did not mind.
In our very brief conversation, I found out that Emily is the owner of a local stained glass gallery. She invited me to come and take a look at the studio. I think I might take her up on that.
Summer Color, Winter Weather
Maybe it's a mind over matter thing. Bask in the glow of the loud, warm colors, even if they are painted on a crumbling brick wall. Wear the red pants and use the pink scarf, because the splash of color will brighten up an otherwise horrific "Welcome to the Working Week".
Or maybe it was just what was convenient to throw on in the mad rush to try to beat the REALLY horrible traffic that was just beginning as I was finishing my commute.
The Original Warming Station
One thing that people on the street learn pretty quickly is who is going to be a "friendly", and who is not? On a cold morning, you want to know what establishments will let you warm up momentarily in the lobby before the day begins, as opposed to the places that are going to toss you out immediately (hence the term "the bum's rush")
When you panhandle on the same corners over the span of years/decades, you know those places. Hillbilly knows where he can stop in when he needs a break from the weather.
Getting up at 4 am is a bitch, and more often then not, I want nothing more than to crawl back under the covers. ESPECIALLY when the weather app say it's 13 degrees outside.
But when the morning "work" is done and I'm pulling into work and I see a great sunrise, it makes it worth it. It's like the gods pushed the saturation up on it this morning.
New Kid in Town
This is probably my favorite alley in my work neighborhood. I've met some pretty memorable people in this alley, and I've taken some memorable photos (at least to me) in this alley. I drive through it at LEAST twice a week, sometimes more. I can't recall seeing the horse trailer before. So it caught my attention. And the flag? That's iconic. As tattered as it is, I adore that flag.
Early Morning, Bitter Cold
Currently -9 air temperature on the West Side of Chicago. I hate to say I like these mornings, but there is a very eerie calm about them. This part of the city still has that kind of 70's "Taxi Driver" vibe to it. Gritty, dirty, coarse. There's something kind of nostalgic about it.
Jerry, Texting
Lunchtime stroll around the neighborhood. I saw this gentleman on his phone this way. Not wanting to creep on him, I introduced myself, explained myself, and asked if I could take a couple of pictures of his back. Bemused, he asked what he needed to do. "Nothing. Just do what you're doing." He was willing to do that.
Waiting for the Bus/ Jesus Just Left Chicago
On such a sunny day, it was pretty sad to see this woman, standing at the bus stop by herself on the corner of Western and Cermak, staring straight ahead with hands clenched, muttering something to herself. I'm not sure if it was a prayer she was saying, or what she was thinking. But she was completely oblivious to everyone and everything around her. Only when the bus pulled up and people started passing her to get on did she move, like she was wakened from a trance, and boarded the bus.
Maybe I've Been Looking at This All Wrong